

Spectrum66 is a custom made spatial installation. It consists of 66 single-string mechanical instruments. The concept of the artwork is to present visualized musical notation and to visually express the sheet music in real-time in a public space. Our goal is to create a performance of sound and light from accurate mechanical movement that immerses people in music both acoustically and visually.


Since Spectrum 66 is permanently installed in a mall, it had to be something exciting and also relates to its environment. In this space for resting and recreation, we want to create a work that would grab the visitors’ attentions, and hope it would last as an extension of a delighted memory.

Recalling from our childhood, we would eagerly wait for animated music clocks to perform. We wish to pass this kind of excitement to the people coming here as well, hoping that when they think of Spectrum 66, they would look forward to visiting it again to see if there were any new transformations of it.

光 譜 66 是替金橋廣場做的一件量身定做的空間作品,我們想要創造一件以視覺與聲音將觀眾包覆的作品,若是想像將作品所在的三面牆攤平,可以視作一條長長的牆面,在這條牆面上,我們想要創造兼具垂直與水平的視覺動態,而聲音的發生則希望可以有來自各個方向的突發驚奇感,這件作品的原始構想就此形成。


Spectrum66 consists of 66 mechanical instruments. Each instrument contains a light bar, a string, a pickup and a picking mechanism. The light bar on each instrument moves vertically in advanced to the correct pitch like fretting the guitar. The sounds are generated by the picking mechanism, which is a pick attached to a motor for plucking the string. During the performances of Spectrum66, the light bars shift up and down, forming a horizontal ow that contains sound, light and mechanical movement. The whole space becomes a musical instrument in the performance.

作品由66支單件機械樂器組合構成,概念即為視覺化的樂譜與曲譜樂音的即時表現 。透過高速機械的準確動作,將錯落有致的光、音位置以視覺化的方式精準演繹。垂直移動的 light bar 如同吉他手的壓弦動作,每條弦下方有撥弦的機械以及拾音器在演奏的過程中, light bar 預先移到將要發生的音符位置。隨著樂曲的進行,每個音符在牆面上形成橫向的流動,同時具有光影、聲音與機械的動態變化,將整個空間變成一件演奏樂器。在此三面包圍的空間中,觀眾有如身處流動的樂譜中,66組樂器隨曲譜流動循環往復。


Spectrum66 is controlled by a computer. The computer analyzes prearranged midi files and distributes the notes inside the midi files to available instruments by an internal network. The light bar on the instrument then moves to the corresponding pitch. When it is time for the note to play, the network sends out a signal to trigger the picking device.

It also has four kinds of controllable lights, including the cool/warm white light on the back of the installation, the full color led under the strings, the full color light bar and the white ash that appears when plucking the string.

All the lights can be controlled by real-time code. The practice we use is to dene the control change midi message (CC) to allow the light and the music to preform synchronously in our performances.


The performance of Spectrum 66 is an interesting incident happening regularly, but Spectrum66 would always be fresh and prepared with new surprises, such as new music and new collaborations with installations or performances, waiting for its audience to come back again. It is a performing artwork that is approachable and constantly changing.

Spectrum 66 is a mechanical art installation, an immersive sound environment, and also a playing instrument that anyone can appreciate.



Chief Executive Officer : Wen -Hao HUANG
Technical Director : Wei-Yuan LIN
Artistic Director : Chung-Kun WANG
Senior Engineer : Ruey-Ning SHIH
Project Manager : Yung-Cheng CHANG
Executive Team : Chih-Hung LIN |Ching-En CHENGShih-Chang LIN |Chien-Huan HSU|Chia-Chun WU |Pei-Chen LIN|Chen-Huan TSAI |Liang WANG